New Zealand’s Leading Biostimulants Solution Provider
Building healthier animals, soil and plants for farmers, growers and their customers, with 25 years’ expertise in seaweed science.
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Our Range Of Biostimulant Nutrition Solutions
Committed To Helping New Zealand farmers and growers produce healthier animals, soil and plants with less cost to the earth and your business
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Biostimulant Seaweed Products From AgriSea

Why AgriSea
Promoting The Mana And Mauri Of Soil
Rere Ki Uta, Rere Ki Tai is a collaborative research project that aims to build more resilient, profitable and healthy farms for our whenua and te taiao (land and environment), whānau (families) and farming communities across Aotearoa New Zealand.
Together, our collective of Māori, conventional and organic kaimahi pāmu (farmers) and researchers is sharing our knowledge, experience, and science to test ideas at the forefront of soil management. We want to know whether farming in ways that honour the mana and mauri of soil might be better for everyone, and if so, how to do it.
Our goal is to reignite hope and pride in farming in Aotearoa, honouring the Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership between Māori and Pākeha to help restore and strengthen connections between the people who eat food and those who grow it, and between farmers and the whenua (soil) they love.
This research project is funded for two years by Our Land and Water National Science Challenge as part of the Revitalise Te Taiao research programme and is hosted by AgriSea.
For Latest Updates
What our customers say
Lynn Samuels
Larnach Castle, Dunedin
“When we started off, the cattle were getting lice and I don’t get any of that now. They’re big and fat, I don’t feed them in winter but let them fossick and help themselves to what they need. Their health has improved enormously.“
Miah & Jenny
Smith Dairy Farm, Atiamuri
“We really wanted to test it. There was no gap in pasture production after three years, and the AgriSea paddocks came in at half the cost. There is more available N in our AgriSea paddocks, where clover is actually fixing nitrogen, than the paddocks that had N fertiliser put on.”
Vilagrad Vineyard, Waikato
“You could see the difference in the vines and the leaves in particular. The leaves went from a yellow colour to a very dark green. They were shiny and looked healthier.”

AgriSea In The News
Talking to Viberi- Horticulture
“We use the foliar spray twice a year and have been using the product for…
Dreamview Farm – Dairy
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Bigger fruit, better pack out! Scott Byles and Corrine Carroll have lived on their beautiful,…